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Boxercise is an effective form of cross training that incorporates a combination of boxing movements and aerobics. This makes a fun alternative and also improves rhythm, co-ordination as well as burning calories!

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An Overview of Boxercise

Classes can take a variety of formats but a typical one may involve shadow-boxing, skipping, hitting pads, kicking punchbags, press-ups, shuttle-runs and sit-ups. Most boxercise classes are aimed at men and women of all ages and fitness standards. As no class involves the physical hitting of an opponent, it is a fun, challenging and safe workout.


  • Increases mental agility
  • Improves hand- eye coordination
  • Increases stamina
  • Raises core strength
  • Strengthens muscles


Prices vary, but generally start from around pounds 5 for a single class, up to pounds 75 a month for unlimited classes with professional boxers.


There is no central organisation for these classes, so look online or in your local directory.

Adaptations and Equipment

Silk shorts and flashy robes are not required, but you will need a pair of trainers, leggings or shorts and a light, loose top. If training in a boxing club, you may be tempted to invest in a pair of boxing shoes (around £25), but boxing gloves, punchbags and skipping ropes are generally supplied.


  • Boxercise began in the UK in 1992, based upon training principles that have existed for 200 years

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