
Get Berkshire Active has tried to ensure that the contents of this website are accurate. However, Get Berkshire Active will not accept liability for any loss or damage or inconvenience arising as a consequence of any use of or the inability to use any information on this website. Visitors who use this website and rely on any information do so at their own risk. Get Berkshire Active does not represent or warrant that the information accessible via the website is accurate, complete or up to date. Price and availability of information is subject to change without notice.

Get Berkshire Active will not be liable (to the fullest extent permitted at law) for any loss, damage or inconvenience arising as a consequence of any use of or the inability to use any information on this site.

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Get Berkshire Active Club and Activity Finder

The information contained on the activity and club finder has been provided by third parties (activity providers) independent of Get Berkshire Active. It is the responsibility of each activity provider to ensure that information relating to their activity/club remains up to date and accurate. Get Berkshire Active accepts no liability for any illegality arising from error or omissions or inaccuracy in such material and takes no responsibility for such material. Before taking part in any activities listed here, Get Berkshire Active strongly recommends that you make appropriate checks to ensure high quality provision and a safe environment is provided. Get Berkshire Active accepts no liability (to the full extent permitted by law) for the quality of the activities provided.

IMPORTANT: Before you attend an activity, club or venue, you must ensure that it is safe to do so, especially in the case of children or vulnerable adults.
Here are some things to look out for: -

Child protection policy
A good activity provider will welcome questions about its activities and the safety of its environment. It will have a child protection policy and you should be told what to do if your child has any concerns. Ideally, there should be a Club Welfare Officer who will answer any questions you might have.

Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks
You need to be sure that the staff and volunteers who will be working with your child are suitable. Ask if the club undertakes DBS checks (where applicable) on coaches and helpers.

Training & education
Appropriate training and education ensures that everyone working with participants is aware of how to make the activities enjoyable and safe. Ask if coaches, instructors and volunteers have undertaken training through a recognised National Governing Body, achieved a formal qualification in the sport or activity and have 1st aid qualifications.

Club accreditation
Find out whether the activity provider has an accreditation award such as Clubmark or a National Governing Body equivalent. This shows that it has achieved a recognised minimum standard that ensures it provides a high quality experience.

Make sure you play safe.

Useful Links & More Information: -

NSPCC - Out alone: Your Guide to Keeping your Child Safe - Child Protection Leaflet for Parents - Click Here

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Bisham Abbey National Sports Centre, Marlow Road, Nr. Marlow, SL7 IRR