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Cross training is typically defined as an exercise regimen that uses several modes of training to develop a specific component of fitness.

An Overview of Crosstrainer

Cross training is about having an exercise regime that makes use of a number of different training routines to develop specific fitness components. These fitness components can comprise of any number of different things. These include you wanting to lose weight, help you enjoy a healthier lifestyle, reduce your risk of injury or even be part of your training regime for a competition. Cross training is a really flexible way to work out as you can incorporate a great variety of exercises into your workout. This is useful as not only does it mean it can be adapted to suit everyone, but also that you're less likely to get bored of your routine.


  • Reduced risk of injury
  • Enhanced weight loss
  • Improved total fitness
  • Improved exercise adherence


An internet search for session ideas and workout plans should help you to begin a cross training regime. Alternatively, gym assistants and personal trainers would be very helpful in planning a workout regime.

Adaptations and Equipment

Cross training involves a variety of activities and therefore the equipment required varies depending on the activity selected for any given session.

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