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Kung Fu

Kung Fu is a Chinese Martial Art used for self-defense.

An Overview of Kung Fu

Kung Fu training including training basics, forms, applications and weapons with different styles placing varying emphasis on each component. Kung Fu is primarily a striking martial art that involves kicks, blocks, and both open and closed hand strikes to defend against attackers. Kung Fu teaches you to both meet force with force and use an aggressor's strength against them.


  • Improves physical fitness
  • Better concentration
  • Learn self defence skills
  • Stress relief
  • Improves self discipline
  • Opportunity for self expression

Adaptations and Equipment

  • Kung fu uniform
  • Kung fu shoes


In Chinese the term kung fu can be used to describe any skill obtained in such a manner, not just those of the martial arts variety. The Chinese equivalent of the term "Chinese martial arts" would be Zhongguo wushu.

National Governing Bodies

British Council for Chinese Martial Arts

Contact Name
General Enquiries
Contact Email
Contact Telephone
02476 394642
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