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Indoor Cycling

An indoor cycling class, set to the rhythm of motivating music.

See Also:

An Overview of Indoor Cycling

Participants perform all the basic cycling moves like standing up, sitting down, changing hand positions, speeding up and slowing down. You control your own resistance levels and sprint speed so you can build up your training level over time


  • Improve aerobic fitness
  • Burn calories and fat
  • Release endorphins to leave you with a natural high
  • Tone and shape your legs


The average cost of a spinning class is around £4 per session


Use local activity finders or try and identify if a local/regional facility offers this activity. It is also worth looking at the National Governing Body website for opportunities.

Adaptations and Equipment

The only equipment required is a spinning bike which will be provided by the centre

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Bisham Abbey National Sports Centre, Marlow Road, Nr. Marlow, SL7 IRR