Active at Home

Being active at home - our top tips

1. Create a routine - schedule time for your physical activity throughout the day.

2. Get dressed for physical activity. Changing into appropriate clothes will help to create a positive attitude and motivation.

3. Choose a reputable activity appropriate to you.

4. Consider your mood and energy levels when thinking about what to do today. Low Energy? Then try seated exercises. Ready for a full workout? Search for more intense workouts. We have provided links to a variety of options.

5. Put some music on! Music can lift our mood and help us enjoy the activity even more.

6. IMPORTANT! Be safe - choose activity appropriate to you, let people know you are about to exercise, keep your phone handy just in case.

Are you a local provider delivering sessions online?

If 'Yes' - you can now identify activities as virtual when adding them to our activity finder. You will find a link to a step by step guide on how to add activities to our Activity Finder below.

If you would like to get in touch with us directly please contact

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Bisham Abbey National Sports Centre, Marlow Road, Nr. Marlow, SL7 IRR