COVID-19 in Berkshire: Latest Guidance & Restrictions

UK Government latest: January 2022, Covid-19 guidance - Protective measures for holiday or after - school clubs and other out of school settings

Guidance for parents and carers of children attending out of school settings

Last updated: 25th January 2022

On this page, we have collated the latest guidance on the local coronavirus (Covid-19) measures from the Government and Sport England that impacts participating in, leading and organising Sport and Physical Activity.

If you have any questions about the work that Get Berkshire Active does to support sport and physical activity in Berkshire, please get in touch with us on

Alternatively you can email the relevant GBA officer directly - check out Our Team page here.

Sport England Guidance: Sport and Physical Activity

Sport England are constantly working with the government to update their resources and support to provide detailed guidance and clarity as to what is and is not allowed in the sector.

For sector specific information and guidance, on the national lockdown restrictions see:

Sport England's Latest guidance

Sport England's FAQs

Government Guidance

UK Active

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Bisham Abbey National Sports Centre, Marlow Road, Nr. Marlow, SL7 IRR