Inspiring Menopause Stories: Kate

Inspiring Menopause Stories: Kate

Posted: Wed, 16 Oct 2024 08:07

Inspiring Menopause Stories: Kate

In 2015, I was diagnosed with a very rare, aggressive form of cancer at the young age of 36. As you can imagine, this news came as a huge shock to myself and my family as we never envisaged 'this would happen to me' as I have always been physically active and lived a (relatively) healthy life.

My cancer treatment consisted of a major operation, followed by six rounds of chemotherapy and 30 rounds of radiotherapy. Although this treatment plan was lifesaving (and I gratefully owe my life), it ultimately forced me into early menopause, which for me was the hardest side effect of the treatment to manage and navigate. I didn't have the gradual decline in hormones when you experience the menopause naturally, so I felt like I turned sixty overnight! My joints and bones ached, I couldn't sleep, had hot flushes, felt irritable, experienced extreme fatigue, and forgetfulness – all the textbook menopause symptoms. At the time, I had two young children, an extremely physical job, and a mortgage to pay, so I didn't have the option to 'take it easy' during my menopausal years. Some days I just didn't know if I could get through this – there were lots of tears and moments of despair.

At the time, I was a fitness instructor teaching very energetic, high-impact classes, so, as you can imagine, I was constantly picking up injuries and 'niggles'. I just didn't have the energy and joint health to constantly perform this type of exercise safely and with no repercussions. I wanted to continue with exercise but didn't know how I was going to be able to do this going forward. Then, by chance, it seemed like my prayers were answered. I was scrolling through social media, and I found the perfect job advert to deliver seated exercise to older adults. I didn't hesitate! I excitedly applied for the job there and then. It was perfect for me. I would be able to continue with my love of delivering exercise but in a more controlled and safe manner for my menopausal body, while sharing my passion for promoting the positive effects of physical activity to my favourite group of people – the older, wiser generation. Win-Win!

I also had to reconsider what exercise I could do regularly for personal longevity. So, I decided to return to my childhood sport of swimming. I joined Reading Swimming Club Masters and really enjoyed being back in the water. I reconnected with old friends and now it is a big part of my life. I even attempted competing and I am thrilled to say that, during my first County competition back as a Masters Swimmer, I received 2 Golds, 2 Silvers, and a Bronze!

Swimming is a great activity for anyone going through the menopause as it offers the perfect combination of low-impact strength and cardiovascular exercise as you are supported by the water. I also started to increase my strength training. Although, we do have to be extremely careful with strength training not to try and increase the weight too quickly. Strength training for menopausal women needs to be gradual and very controlled, focusing on one muscle group at a time, not asking your body, muscles, and joints to do too much at once – especially when using weights!

My advice to anyone going through the menopause would be 'find your new normal'. Think about what you enjoy doing and DO IT! Even if that means considering changing and adapting things slightly, just like I did with my choice of daily exercise. Try to incorporate some form of physical activity into your daily routine, especially low-impact training. A combination of swimming, cycling, and controlled strength training has been a game changer for me and I can't imagine not enjoying this type of exercise now. Also, be open about your menopause symptoms (to family, employers, etc.), especially if you are going through a difficult time. People are more considerate of your requirements and will want to help.

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