Get supported with Employability Programmes

Are you a Berkshire individual struggling with employment and looking for ways to gain confidence and skills?

Get Berkshire Active in collaboration with its partners (MTC Europe and Moonshot Team) are working to support you at this challenging time and provide training sessions to help you create a positive mindset, overcome negative thinking, be more active, manage stress and set goals.

As we are coming out of lockdown, we are beginning to offer face to face courses again. Each course will be 8 hours, 2 hours per week and will focus on a self-development theme matched with an activity. We believe in learning through doing, so individuals will be encouraged to engage in each activity and this is where the learning will take place.

We also have an online offer through Moonshot Series, this is an online, self-led interactive set of workshops, all designed to get you thinking about mindset and managing stress.

All the programs we use are designed to give you the skills to enter the job market

We are delighted to say that our Summer 2020 Programme's attendees reported 66% Improvement in Soft Skills (Workplace Skills, Communication, Confidence, Home Life, Active Citizenship, Career Readiness).

Most common improvements were in Workplace Skills, Communication, Confidence and Home Life.

What they are saying about our Programmes?


'Always taken something away, enjoyed being part of it. Reflections were really useful. Life would be better with more of this!'


'I look forward to it. Interaction is key as I've been quite isolated. It's helped focus me. It's been excellent'


'Really enjoyed it. The leader is patient and non-judgemental, a space to express yourself. It's helped me create a structure and be proactive. Would like a follow up!'

Not ready to join so far and want to learn more?

Talk to our Programme Lead

Ryan Gordon: email or call 07702892518

Ready to join?

Young Berkshire individual and keen to proceed with our training? Please go to this survey to get started:

Unemployed Berkshire resident and ready to join? Please contact

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Bisham Abbey National Sports Centre, Marlow Road, Nr. Marlow, SL7 IRR