Healthy Active Me

Whom We Want to Help

We want to help families and children living next door to us who are severely impacted by the ongoing crisis, experiencing worsening mental health issues, possible domestic abuse and hunger.

How We Can Help

Physical activity is proven to help children's physical health and support the immune response to the viruses, increase confidence, self-esteem and mental wellbeing.

The money you help us to raise we will:

  1. Provide physical activity kit bags for our most disadvantaged children and families
  2. Deliver Fit, Fed and Read Camps during the school holidays
  3. Provide access to Sport and Physical activity sessions to most disadvantaged children and families at a reduced cost

Why to Join

The pandemic crisis revealed the strengths and weaknesses of every country in the world as well as every county, town, village, household and individual. We believe that Berkshire showcases an incredible unity in supporting vulnerable adults, NHS staff, local businesses and schools at the time of their hardship.

Helping disadvantaged children in getting through the pandemic with better physical and mental health, socially positive attitudes and new skills will make our local communities stronger, healthier, with reduced levels of crime and growing potential to thrive after the crisis.

Every Pound you donate goes towards a Berkshire child's meal and enjoying an activity at our half-term camps

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Contact Us

Bisham Abbey National Sports Centre, Marlow Road, Nr. Marlow, SL7 IRR