Healthy Communities Active Ageing Officer

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Healthy Communities Active Ageing Officer

We are seeking an individual with a passion for making a difference to play an integral role in the coordination and delivery of our Ever Active programmes as well as other areas of work with a focus on the ageing population.

Contact Name
Kirsty Heath
Contact Telephone
07394 564540
Contact Email
Get Berkshire Active

About Healthy Communities Active Ageing Officer

Get Berkshire Active works with organisations across Berkshire to increase participation in sport and physical activity. Our overriding aim is to use physical activity to contribute to health, community, social and economic agendas across Berkshire, alongside the personal development of individuals. We provide our partners with advice, expertise, funding and advocacy support to achieve these shared aims. Alongside this, we deliver a number of projects to encourage people to be active.

We are seeking an individual with a passion for making a difference to play an integral role in the coordination and delivery of our Ever Active programmes as well as other areas of work with a focus on the ageing population. The post holder will be required to organise, coordinate and (on some occasions) deliver appropriate interventions, in consultation with communities. These programmes aim to improve health and increased levels of physical activity alongside improved social connections and mental well-being, ultimately striving to reduce social isolation and loneliness. These programmes target the ageing population and people with disabilities and long-term health conditions. Programmes delivered by GBA involve significant numbers of partners working together and the post-holder will be required to manage delivery partnerships to achieve results.

The post-holder will also support other projects or areas of work focused on using physical activity as a vehicle to improve physical, mental and social health.

Please find below;

  • a combined job description and person specification
  • an application form (to be completed by all applicants)
  • a criminal records declaration form (to be completed by all applicants)
  • an equal opportunities monitoring form (to be completed by all applicants)

Deadline for applications is 5pm Monday 30th Nov with interviews planned for the 9th of December. Send completed applications and associated forms to If you would like an informal conversation about the role before completing an application contact Kirsty on 07394 564540.

Get Berkshire Active is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and vulnerable adults and expects all employees and volunteers to share this commitment.

Get Berkshire Active is fully committed to the principles of equality of opportunity and is responsible for ensuring that no job applicant, employee, volunteer or member receives less favourable treatment on the grounds of age, gender, disability, race, ethnic origin, nationality, colour, parental or marital status, pregnancy, religious belief, class or social background, sexual preference or political belief.

Supporting Documents:

20201106HealthyCommActiveAgeOff JDPersonSpec (MS Word, 341.7 Kb)

20201106 HCAA ApplicationForm (MS Word, 31.4 Kb)

20201106 Criminal Record DecForm HCAA (MS Word, 1.3 Mb)

20200611 Equal Opps Monitoring (MS Word, 639.1 Kb)

Get Berkshire Active is not responsible for the accuracy of information provided by third-parties and accepts no liability relating to any information contained on the site. If any contact details have been provided, It is recommended that you contact them directly.

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