Blog: Get to Know Our Safeguarding Lead

Blog: Get to Know Our Safeguarding Lead

Posted: Thu, 6 Oct 2022 11:40

Blog: Get to Know Our Safeguarding Lead

The role of the Children & Young People Safeguarding Lead at GBA is carried out by James Craggs. In this blog he goes into detail about his role at GBA and the work we do as an organisation to highlight the importance of safeguarding.

Safeguarding is a very extensive area with many facets, one of the primary functions of my role is to embed it across the organisation, increasing the team and board's awareness and knowledge. This work wouldn't be possible without the efforts of Brett Nicholls GBA CEO, Jo Halliday Board Champion Theale Green School Headteacher and Chelsea Piggott CYP Children & Young People Safeguarding Deputy.

Other key aspects of the role include

  • Ensuring that all our partners receiving key messages about safeguarding to keep children safe
  • Consulting and acting on young people's consultation to ensure they receive key safeguarding information in the right format for them
  • Supporting and checking and challenging the safeguarding elements of projects we fund
  • Co – ordinating and signposting partners to safeguarding training that meet their needs
  • Developing and maintaining relationships with key safeguarding partners who we work closely (local authority designated officers LADO's), NGB's, Child Protection in Sport Unit CPSU
  • Ensuring that we meet high standards in term of safeguarding as assessed by Sport England via the CPSU
  • Capturing the impact and learning we get from our safeguarding and sharing it with partners

I've been carrying out a Safeguarding role (mainly as lead officer) throughout my 8 years' so far with GBA. My other main role is Strategic Lead for Starting Well where I lead on our work for young people 0 – 25 there is clear alignment and connection between the two roles.

Prior to my role with GBA, I was Disability & Inclusion lead and part of Children & Young People team at Active Oxfordshire, worked on CYP projects as part of West Berkshire Council Sports Development Team and prior to this I was a Primary School teacher.

If you'd like to know more, or have any questions, get in contact with James at

Tags: Active Lives

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