'Join the Campaign' manual

Please share your story and inspire other organisations to organise inclusive sessions and encourage people move more and get a healthier and stronger.

We would appreciate your sending us your story in any format which is preferable to you:

  • Write a blog. We will publish it on our www.getberkshrieactive.org website
  • Make a video message / short home-made video
  • Complete our email interview (see below) and send it to us together with your photo (please see the questions below)

Regardless the format , you might get some inspiration from the ideas for your blog/video. It can be a mixture of topics and questions – all is up to you.

Here are some ideas:

  • Which challenges were you facing during the lockdown and how PA helped. What are your plans for the next 6 months?
  • What new activities have you tried during the lockdown and what was your experience. What are your plans for the next 6 months?
  • What have you learned about physical activity during the lockdown and how it changed your lockdown experience?
  • In case you helped/supported someone with physical activity during the lockdown, please could you tell your story

It would be helpful if the blog or video reveal the aspects of the different perspectives: what was in the past, what was during the lockdown, what happened afterwards, what are the plans for the future.

Interview questions

Please type your answers right underneath each question below.

  1. What activities did you do before the pandemic if any? Or how active were you before the pandemic?

[25 words max]

  1. What activities are you doing now since the pandemic outbreak?

[25 words max]

  1. What have you learned about physical activity during the lockdown? Or/and how it changed your lockdown experience?

[50 words max]

  1. Describe how physical makes you feel in 3 words.

[Your answer]


To give us a permission to share our story on our website and social media, we need your written consent.

Please add the following phrase to the reply email with your materials:

I grant my consent to Get Berkshire Active to publish the text in this email and the photo on their website and social media.

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Bisham Abbey National Sports Centre, Marlow Road, Nr. Marlow, SL7 IRR