Red January Challenge

Acting Together For Better Mental Health

Lots of people get depressed in winter when the festive time is over and the days are still dark.

What can you do to feel like yourself again?

Support your mental health this January by joining #RedJanuary challenge and doing something active every single day.

The RED community with its partner, Sport in Mind, provide information, advice and support while campaigning for a better deal and respect for everyone experiencing a mental health problem.

This January, challenge yourself to get active every day, your way!

Whether you run, swim, cycle or choose your favourite fitness activity, set your goal and enjoy support from the RED community every step, splash and pedal of the way!

If you're interested in building a network of REDers in your local area, whilst raising funds that will directly impact your community, you can view the full list of local Minds that are getting RED-y for January by going to the Fundraising section of the FAQ's.

Campaign Resources

You can find lots of supporting materials on the RED January Resources Page:

  • The Calendar will help you tick off each day as you get active your way.
  • The Social Media posts will help you invite your friends and colleagues to join you on your RED journey.
  • Social Media posters will ease your effort to promote the campaign on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn.
  • A Profile Frame will distinguish your Social Media Account as a RED January Promoter.
  • Step-by-step fundraising guide is for instant inspiration. A printed sponsorship form to help get donations from friends and family.

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Contact Us

Bisham Abbey National Sports Centre, Marlow Road, Nr. Marlow, SL7 IRR