The Performance Sports Group
Chris and Annie Ellison
Chris and Annie are passionate about the benefits of exercise for children's mental and physical wellbeing. Free Zoom PE sessions for Heights Primary school pupils and fun fancy-dress themed activities using props found at home (like socks and tin cans) via YouTube got younger children moving. Small groups from local schools took part in age-appropriate athletics.
At two local primary schools Rugby, Football, Hockey and Fitness covid-secure after school clubs were offered. Coaches (already teaching PE lessons) supported playground activities allowing teachers a break. A free YouTube channel helped young cricketers practice skills at home.
Over 1,000 children took part in 40 outdoor cricket camps. Profits were shared, giving much needed income, to grassroots cricket clubs. Weekly online quizzes for young cricketers and coaches boosted morale and built friendships. Chris volunteered his time to safely coach juniors at Henley Cricket Club and Rotherfield Football Club.