Behaviour Change and other related courses with GBA

Behaviour Change and Motivational Interviewing

Changing behaviour and adopting 'healthier' lifestyles is notoriously difficult. Moreover, health professionals who are 'experts' in the field of what changes need to be made are rarely experts (because they receive little or no training) in how to help and motivate people to make those changes. Consequently, they often rely simply on 'telling', 'persuading' or 'threatening' individuals that they must make changes. This rarely works and indeed, paradoxically, can increase resistance to change.
GBA are able to deliver the following:

  1. The full face-face 2-day Motivational Interviewing Course
  2. A shorterned 1-day face to face version
  3. A virtual 5 x 1 hour modulalrised version

All courses are CPD accredited

The Solutions4Health team on successful completion of the MI Course

The Solutions4Health team on successful completion of the MI Course

Team Development Opportunities

GBA Team Profile

GBA Team Profile

1. Creating Effective Relationships and Dealing with Conflict

This will be a 4 hour (plus break) interactive workshop using the 'Strength Deployment Inventory' (SDI) as our tool for exploring how we and others see the world, our own strengths and how to utilise the concepts learnt for enhancing both working and personal relationships whilst also understanding more about inter-personal conflict and how we might more positively deal with it. SDI has many uses including helping to: Improve teamwork; Develop leaders; Support change management; Improve customer service, Improve relationships and Improve conflict management. The workshop is ideally delivered to 8-12 people but there is some flexibility around numbers as long as an appropriate training space can be provided.

2. Team Building

Using Appreciative Facilitation methods and the equipment and techniques provided by Get Berkshire Active can design a challenging and interactive team building session based upon your requirements. We can cover a range of issues that you may wish to explore with your teams such as communication, planning, trust, team work and leadership to name but a few.

Training can be delivered at your home site, site of your choosing or here at Bisham Abbey the National Sports Centre. Team building sessions can be delivered as standalone interventions or as part of a more detailed programme including the SDI Tool and Leadership Workshop.

They can be put together in one off sessions or form part of an on-going programme can be tailored towards senior, middle or junior teams or across the organisation.

Team Development with BBO Partners at the iconic Bisham Abbey National Sports Centre

Team Development with BBO Partners at the iconic Bisham Abbey National Sports Centre

General Information

These workshops and training interventions are equally applicable to developing teams and individuals be it in the commercial business sector or for those in not-for profit organisations and will benefit your organisation whether you are a multi-national entity or a local sports club a local authority or an educational establishment.

Workplace Physical Activity Champion Training

This training is delivered within your workplace to a group of colleagues interested in developing a more active workforce. We will provide volunteers with an introduction to workplace health and the inspiration, confidence, tools and resources to increase participation in sport and physical activity at their workplace.

The training itself includes a short presentation, some break outs groups tasks and a chance to try out some activities that fit easily within the workplace setting.

For more information contact:

Brett Nicholls

Brett Nicholls


Brett is the Chief Executive Officer at Get Berkshire Active and is responsible for the strategic and operational direction of the organisation. Before joining the RAF in 1987 as a Physical Education Officer, he completed a BEd (Hons) Degree in Physical Education, and whilst in the RAF completed an MSc at Loughborough and an MPhil at Birmingham. He retired as a Wing Commander in 2013 and joined GBA. Having always had a passion for physical activity, fitness and sport, he formerly took on the position of Chief Instructor in the RAF School of Physical Education. He also has a special interest in the psychology of Behaviour Change and Motivational Interviewing. Outside of work, he enjoys all things active, including walking his two rescue dogs.

07912 178654

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Bisham Abbey National Sports Centre, Marlow Road, Nr. Marlow, SL7 IRR