Get Involved in Move With Us Berkshire

The #MoveWithUsBerkshire campaign aims to promote the importance and benefits of physical activity for all the stakeholders across the PA sector in our county (organisations and individuals) to raise the 'staying active' behaviour to a top priority for the 'new normal' life and daily routine.

We are inviting our partners and physical activity providers in Berkshire to join the campaign, promote their activity sessions, learn how to make the sessions more inclusive, engage with different audiences and initiate behaviour change among inactive people and, as a result, to help Berkshire residents become more active and resist the virus and its impact.

Sport England's Autumn and Winter Activity Toolkit

This Autumn and Winter Activity Toolkit is designed to help you encourage your communities to get and stay active over the next few months while responding to the changing guidelines.

It includes helpful guidance on behaviour change, insight, social media, resources and special offers helping local residents stay active.

Get Your Sessions Visible

Use the GBA Activity Finder platform to promote your activity sessions.

Case Studies and Inspiring Stories

Tell us about your Club or Activity Sessions

Share the story of your organisation, club or activity sessions to inspire others to organise inclusive sessions and encourage people to move more and get healthier and stronger.

We will publish your story on the GBA website and social media.

Develop Your Skills and Expertise

Get Berkshire Active want to be the leading agent for change in the makeup of workforce; ensuring it is fit for purpose, diverse, resilience and robust so it meets the needs of our counties residence.

Get Berkshire Active are committed to making it easier for people from a wider range of backgrounds become part of our workforce family, develop a learning culture focused on ongoing improvement and the development of knowledge and support people to become better equipped to provide experiences based on the needs and goals of the individual being coached or motivated to become more active.

Learn about Hard-to-Reach Audiences

Learn about the benefits of Physical activity and how to support positive behaviour change

Being active and supporting others to be active has never been more important, for both our physical health and mental wellbeing.

At Get Berkshire Active, we're offering free online training sessions (1 hour) for community volunteers e.g. befrienders, helpers, navigators, etc. and volunteer co-ordinators, to enable and encourage others to be physically active through our everyday conversations. We cover the benefits of physical activity, guidelines, tips, key free resources, and positive conversation skills. Plus offer a digital resource pack following the session.

"I'll take away how important conversations around keeping active are and the wider impact that can have. I will definitely be more conscious of having more open conversations with my clients." - feedback from webinar attendee (Slough, 4th August).

To arrange a free session for your team contact

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Bisham Abbey National Sports Centre, Marlow Road, Nr. Marlow, SL7 IRR