Active Workplace

An active, healthy workforce means a happy, healthy business

On average, we spend 60% of our waking hours at work and most of this time is spent sitting. Being inactive is the 4th leading risk factor for global mortality. However, just 150 minutes of activity a week, or 20-30 minutes every day, is all that is needed to improve a person's overall health and wellbeing.

A more active workforce can result in

  • increased productivity
  • lower rates of early retirement due to ill health
  • reduced absenteeism and quick return to work after illness
  • fewer workplace injuries
  • greater staff retention
  • engaged employees
  • reduced costs to train new staff
  • improvements in communications
  • a more positive corporate image.

Being active has many positive effects on work performance, but it can also improve motivation, energy and stress levels.

Get Berkshire Active has worked with a range of workplaces to help them encourage employees to be more active. Even small changes can make a big difference.

Organised for NHS employees this Badminton tournament took place in 2018

Organised for NHS employees this Badminton tournament took place in 2018

Physical Activity Champion Training

As part of the Active Workplace programme, Get Berkshire Active can deliver a 90 minute workshop to train members of staff up as named Physical Activity Champions.

Champions will learn:

  • About the Active Workplace programme and how it can be utilised to motivate and inspire colleagues to improve their physical activity levels
  • how physical activity can
    • improve their colleague's health and wellbeing
    • benefit the employer
  • how to make use of opportunities where they interact with colleagues to have a conversation about physical activity and its benefits
  • practical ideas, resources and sources of support to be able to implement physical activity initiatives within your workplace, or signpost your workforce to clubs, venues and opportunities to get active

Champions can be recruited from any job role (they don't have to be from a HR/Health and Wellbeing background), and we would encourage you to nominate employees who you feel would be excellent communicators and motivators to encourage your workforce to increase their physical activity levels.

Your trained Champions will then help your organisation in promoting physical activity campaigns and messages amongst your workforce.

RED January

Support your mental health this January by joining the #RedJanuary challenge and doing something active every single day.

The RED community with its partner, the leading mental health charity, Mind, provide information, advice and support while campaigning for a better deal and respect for everyone experiencing a mental health problem.

This January, challenge yourself to get active every day, your way!

Whether you run, swim, cycle or choose your favourite fitness activity, set your goal and enjoy support from the RED community every step, splash and pedal of the way!

You can sign up to RED January at and whilst signing up you can create a team and then invite colleagues to join your team. Therefore, RED January is a perfect opportunity to get your workplace more active!

Find out more about the campaign here.

Useful resources

British Heart Foundation - Health at Work

British Heart Foundation - Health at Work - Case Studies

Workplace Health: Applying All Our Health (Public Health England guidance)

Physical Activity in the workplace (NICE guidance)

Workplace Health: management practices (NICE guidance)

To help us tackle inactivity in the workplace and for more information please contact:

Kirsty Heath

Kirsty Heath

Strategic Lead for Ageing Well

Kirsty is the Strategic Lead for Ageing Well at Get Berkshire Active. She leads on the development of GBA's Ageing Well theme, aiming to create the conditions for a healthy and independent later life. She is also lead liaison for Berkshire West Local Authorities. With over 15 years' experience within the sports sector, she holds a BA (Hons) in Sport, Health and Exercise, as well as an MSc in Sports Injury. Her previous roles were in local authority and the NHS, before joining GBA at its inception is 2011. Her sense of purpose has come from personally discovering the benefits of physical activity and she enjoys helping others to access them. In her spare time, she takes part in netball, fitness classes and loves being outdoors.

07394 564540

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