Guidance and Toolkits

Physical activity experts in Government, Public Health England, NICE, the Royal College of GPs and the Faculty of Sport and Exercise Medicine have created a range of resources to support you in your role.

Explore below for guidelines, handy infographics, information summaries, and practical toolkits.

1. UK Chief Medical Officer Guidelines

Chief Medical Officers in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have produced national guidelines for the amount and type of physical activity people should do to improve their health. These guidelines were most recently updated in September 2019.

These guidelines have been created for:

  • Adults and Disabled Adults
  • Pregnant Women
  • Women after Childbirth
  • Children under 5 years
  • Children 5-18 years

To see the guidelines in infographic format, click on the image.

To read the full guidelines:

2. NICE Guidance: Physical Activity Brief Advice for Adults in Primary Care

This guidance from NICE covers providing brief advice on physical activity to adults in primary care. It aims to improve health and wellbeing by raising awareness of the importance of physical activity and encouraging people to increase or maintain their activity level.

3. PHE Health Matters: Physical Activity for Long-Term Conditions

Public Health England has produced a useful summary of the benefits, evidence and initiatives for physical activity for the prevention and management of long-term conditions in adults, including infographics and videos.

4. RCGP Physical Activity Toolkit and Active Practices Charter

The Royal College of GPs and Sport England have teamed up to produce a comprehensive physical activity toolkit for primary care professionals. Find condition specific resources and many other resources to help you incorporate physical activity into your patient consultations, as well as improving the health of your staff.

5. Active Hospitals toolkit

Active Hospitals aims to change physical activity culture within hospitals to encourage patients to move more. The Active Hospitals team have created a toolkit to help you create your own Active Hospital including How to get started, Design, Deliver, and Maintain, plus dealing with Governance, Writing a Business Case and useful resources.

6. Bridging the Gap: Understanding how to support people with long-term health conditions to become more physically active

We Are Undefeatable's 'Big Talk' public consultation was initiated to inform the resources the campaign should focus on
developing, but it has delivered a unique set of insights worthy of review by anyone involved in supporting people with long term health conditions (LTHCs).

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