This Girl Can

This Girl Can celebrates active women who are doing their thing no matter how they do it, how they look or even how sweaty they get. Launched in 2015, the campaign has successfully persuaded nearly three million women to get more active – and the campaign continues.

Sport England discovered that 75% of 14-40 year old women in England want to exercise more, but the fear of judgement was stopping them.

This Girl Can will tackle these fears and a host of other issues to empower more women to give sport a go.

Ways to get involved in Berkshire....

If you're an organisation, club or group...

  1. Use This Girl Can branding to help raise the profile of your club or activity - you must sign up as a Supporter on the This Girl Can website in order to do this.
  2. Send us details about your female only sessions or activities for a plug on our social media channels and newsletter.
  3. Consider training staff up as This Girl Can instructors to deliver This Girl Can classes - more details here

If you're an individual...

  1. And looking to kick start a more active lifestyle, take a look at the This Girl Can website for inspiration.
  2. Become a This Girl Can Ambassador (link to more details below).
  3. Let us know about any female only sessions or activities that you think might be appropriate for a plug on our social media platforms and newsletter.
  4. Tell us about your own stories so we can use it to help inspire other local women and girls to be more active.
  5. Consider becoming a This Girl Can Instructor, more details here.

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For more information

Kirsty Heath

Kirsty Heath

Strategic Lead for Ageing Well

Kirsty is the Strategic Lead for Ageing Well at Get Berkshire Active. She leads on the development of GBA's Ageing Well theme, aiming to create the conditions for a healthy and independent later life. She is also lead liaison for Berkshire West Local Authorities. With over 15 years' experience within the sports sector, she holds a BA (Hons) in Sport, Health and Exercise, as well as an MSc in Sports Injury. Her previous roles were in local authority and the NHS, before joining GBA at its inception is 2011. Her sense of purpose has come from personally discovering the benefits of physical activity and she enjoys helping others to access them. In her spare time, she takes part in netball, fitness classes and loves being outdoors.

07394 564540

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