Berkshire PESS Conference 2024

Our conference will provide delegates from both PRIMARY & SECONDARY schools with the opportunity to listen to experts and innovators from the fields of PE Curriculum planning; OFSTED; Youth Voice; Mental Health & Wellbeing; Leadership; Inclusion; Diversity & Equality.

Our conference is aimed at


There will be a HT/SLT/Line Manager session to discuss how PESS can impact on whole school outcomes directly after the Key Note at 10.15am until 12.15pm. Delegates involved in this session are then welcome to stay for lunch (included in the cost) and the afternoon workshops. Alternatively they will be free to depart at the end of the session.

Our conference is being hosted at the stunning Dorney Lake, host venue of the Olympic Rowing Events at London 2012.


Delegate Arrival8.30am
Key Note 19.00am
Key Note 29.30am
Heads/SLT/Line Manager move to Olympic Suite10.15am- 12.15pm
Hot Topic Tables 2x20 min10.30am - 11.10am
Workshop 111.15am - 12.25pm
Workshop 21.0pm-2.10pm
Workshop 32.15pm- 3.25pm


ALL Delegates- Keynotes will be delivered by

Jo Halliday

Jo has spent 20 years in Education, following 10 years in the pharmaceutical industry. She has lived all her adult life in West Berkshire and has two grown up children who have benefited from all that the County has to offer in terms of sport, activity and education. Jo is passionate about the power of sport and activity to build health, confidence and leadership skills in young people; she is also fascinated by the place of coaching in everyday life, and the impact that coaching can have in empowering young people.

Jo was Headteacher of Theale Green School, where sport is central to everyday life and an important part of the curriculum, and she is a Headteacher Ambassador for the Youth Sport Trust.

Will Swaithes

Will is an experienced teacher, teacher educator and leader of teaching and learning. With over 20 years' experience in education, he is currently Curriculum Design Lead for a project Pe Scholar are doing for Oak National Academy. Will was previously Senior Lecturer in Physical Education at Birmingham City University leading the secondary PGCE programme and continues to contribute to that programme and Initial Teacher Education at several other institutions including Loughborough and Buckingham universities. Will is Education Director at PE Scholar, a Specialist Leader of Education (SLE) for Redhill Academy, previous Head of Physical Education and Achievement for Youth Sport Trust (YST), previous Assistant Head for Teaching and Learning and author of an OCR GCSE PE textbook. He achieved Advanced Skills Teacher (AST) status in 2006 and also holds a Masters in Educational Leadership. Will has a reputation for high-quality consultancy services, mentoring support and training with an ambition to ensure PE stands for Positive Experiences for all children in all schools.


This session will be led by Jo Halliday in the Olympic Suite and open only to HT & SLT representatives

Olympic Suite- Dorney Lake

Olympic Suite- Dorney Lake

Hot Topic Sessions

Exploring how a physical literacy informed approach can improve engagement and progress of all- Will Swaithes- PE Scholar
Primary Leadership & Active Playgrounds- Mark Bignal- The Windsor Boy's School School Sport Network
Secondary Leadership- Maxine Smiles- Cooke- West Berkshire School Sport Network
Effective Use of Primary PE & School Sport Funding- Youth Sport Trust
School Swimming & Water Safety- Ashley Jones Swim England- this will be a single session of 40 minutes
Inclusion Q&A session- Simon Scarborough- PE Scholar
Alternative Grouping in PE- Lee Sullivan- PE Scholar
Developing a Uniform Policy that Reduces Barriers to Participation- Tess Howard - Inclusive Sportswear CIC and GB Hockey Player
How can Active Travel improve your school outcomes? Clare Dowling- Sustrans
Winning Parental Engagement in School Sport- Youth Sport Trust

Eton College Rowing Centre

Eton College Rowing Centre


Workshop Number



Concept Based Curriculum- Secondary

Engaging Girls in PESS

Improving engagement: a practical guide to supporting young people and enhancing mental health using a whole-school approach

Planning for the Inclusion of Children with SEND


Concept Based Curriculum- Primary
Using PESS to support PA & Exclusions
Assessment in PE- Secondary
Embracing Gender Diversity and Equity in PE and sport


Reimagining the Extra Curricula Offer
Youth Voice & Co Creation
Preparing for Ofsted- Secondary
Ofsted Deep Dives- Primary

World Class Venue -Dorney Rowing Lake

World Class Venue -Dorney Rowing Lake

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Bisham Abbey National Sports Centre, Marlow Road, Nr. Marlow, SL7 IRR