Inclusion in PE

Wexham School (in partnership with the Slough School Sport Network) took on the Youth Sport Trust Lead Inclusion School role for Berkshire in 2018.

A network of 50 YST lead Inclusion Schools from across England have been established, each selected for their recognised expertise in engaging young people with Special Educational Needs/Disability (SEND) to participate, compete and lead through PE and School Sport. They are Inclusion Champions and are visionaries for what high quality, meaningful and inclusive PE and School Sport should look like for every child.

These lead YST Inclusion Schools provide and organise CPD and practical sessions for any interested school work force in their county to help to empower people to be more inclusive in their practice. We work in close partnership with the 7 other SGOs areas across the county as well as Get Berkshire Active and our Berkshire Local Organising Committee to plan and develop opportunities for all across the county.

Through the School Games specific programme - the lead YST Inclusion Schools are empowering people to be more inclusive and make a real difference for young people with SEND in school sport, especially with meaningful competition and competition pathways

Through a range of innovative interventions and activities, the lead YST Inclusion Schools also support young people (including those who have a SEND) to lead the way – raising their aspirations and providing inclusive leadership opportunities.

Our three main areas of delivery/ support are;

  • CPD for school staff around inclusion in PE
  • Promoting leadership opportunities for young people with SEND
  • Support the Level 3 Berkshire School Games to ensure inclusive opportunities and pathways for all.

For more information about SEND support for your school including CPD training dates and opportunities please contact your local School Games Organiser.

For any other information with regards the Lead Inclusion School role in Berkshire please contact Laura Brookstein, Slough School Sport Network Manager

The Inclusion Spectrum

Introduce as a tool to present activities in different ways to make them more inclusive, can be used with everyone regardless of impairment

Activity activity: that everyone can take part in e.g. a warm up. It is based on what everyone can do and does not include any modification. Provide some sport specific examples of open activities.

Modified activity: everyone does the same activity but it is modified to appropriately challenge each individual. Provide some sport specific examples of modified activities.

Parallel activity: activities are organised based on ability groups. Everyone takes part in a variation of the same activity e.g. not net, number of bounces, scoring system etc. Provide some sport specific examples of parallel activities.

Specific activity: particular participants' take part in unique activities / competition specific to their ability e.g. Olympic or Paralympic performance pathways. Provide some sport specific examples of specific activity

The Activity Inclusion Model should be considered in every session. It is important to remember that the model will help you to include and appropriately challenge / progress every individual – it is not just about disabled people. The elements of the Activity Inclusion Model that each activity you deliver sits within, will depend on; the ability of the participants, the specific activity or task you are covering, any impairments the participants have and the setting in which the session is taking place in


OAK Academy Physical Development Resources

The Oak Academy has uploaded a curriculum plan and lessons for Special Schools in the teacher hub:

Subject: Physical Development | Teacher Hub | Oak National Academy (

The video has an overview.

The classroom version for parents and pupils can be found here:

Physical Development - Specialist - Oak National Academy (


Inclusive CPD Autumn 2023

Autumn 2020 Webinars

Other CPD


The Inclusion Leadership Resources are currently being reviewed & updated and will be available once launched by the Youth Sport Trust


Useful Websites & Resources

Girls with Autism - YouTube

click for more information

click for more information

Panathlon at Home

After you've completed the challenges, students / schools / parents can fill in their scorecard and email it to to receive a certificate.

Participants can let them know how well they've done via social media by using the hashtags #PanathlonIndoorGames or #PanathlonGardenGames @SloughSSN

If you have any questions, please email

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Bisham Abbey National Sports Centre, Marlow Road, Nr. Marlow, SL7 IRR